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Picking up chicks
I had an early phone call from the post office this morning. It was one I was expecting. The chicks I ordered from an in-state hatchery wer...
And the total is...
... ten chicks! I turned off the incubator today and put it away. There were a total of 11 chicks that hatched, 7 Swedish Flower Hens and ...
Fuzzy butts and peeps!
They have started hatching!! So far we have 6 total, 3 each of the Swedish Flower Hen and Wheaten Marans. Here's a picture of one of...
Don't count your chickens before....
...they hatch! Well I'm not counting them yet, but I do have a few eggs wiggling and a little chirping going on! My wait for some Sw...
Tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet peas, Oh My!
So here are the updated photos of the garden taken yesterday. All the rain we've gotten this week has helped keep everything growing wel...
How does your garden grow?
Our newly built raised beds were put into place back in May. We bought compost from Hsu's greenhouse supply in Brokaw and added peat mos...
DIY rain barrel
Up until this week June had been a very dry month here in Marathon County. In the last few days we've been blessed with a few inches of ...
More progress on the new chicken coop
It's been quite some time since I did an update on the chicken coop construction. Well, things are looking great! All 4 windows are in. ...
Growing up and moving out
The turkeys are 4 weeks old now and getting big. It was time for them to move out of their brooder in our pole building and out into their c...
The turkeys are here!
I got the call from the feed store this afternoon. The turkey poults we ordered were in!! This one was pretty sleepy when I got them ...
DIY Compost Tumbler
If you enjoy gardening then you know all about the benefits of using compost. Black gold it is often called. It adds needed nutrients and he...
Building more raised garden beds
Today was a bit too cold and windy to work outside on the chicken coop. Instead we set up in the shop to work on building two more raised be...
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